Pin No IO 2, if you want to play a Next song or increase volume then you need to add another external push button to pin No 11. It will play the next song whenever your press that button for short time like 0.5 seconds. If you want to increase volume then you need to press that push button for more time continuously.

This module is very sensitive, kindly provide a DC voltage in the given range otherwise you will damage its circuitry. Pin No 2, this pin is associated with RX which mean Recivce. You can use this pin to Receive predefined commands from Arduino or computer. Most of the time Embedded system engineers prefer serial communication to send data to DFPlayer module via pin no 2. You can use your computer USB port for the purpose of serial communication, for this you need to buy TTL converter. Pin No 3, we can use this pin to transmit commands or data from our DFPlayer mini-module to other sources such as Arduino or computer.